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40th Anniversary Salute to African American Heritage

Join WAVE in supporting the Orange County Heritage Council’s 40th Anniversary Salute to African American Heritage in downtown Anaheim.  OC-HC.org is a 501 (c) 3 organization which hosts the annual Orange County Black History Parade and Cultural Fair.

Plan to go early (8am) and enjoy the OCHC ‘Celebrating Our Heritage, Embracing Our Past, and Building Our Future’ exhibit at the Muzeo Museum and Culture Events Center located at 241 S. Anaheim Blvd.

Arrive by 9am to secure a spot for parade viewing. The parade begins at 10am and is followed by a cultural celebration with art, music and more from 12-4pm.

 Note: The parade runs from north of City Hall down Anaheim Boulevard to Broadway before looping around to Center Street Promenade.